Department History, Los Angeles county Fire Department, presented by Los Angeles county Fire Museum


ALTADENA: Formed February 28, 1924. Results of the election held the 21st of that month were canvassed by the Board of Supervisors and found to be two to one in favor. April 16th James R. Bittle was employed as Captain at $100 per month, and performed Fire Prevention duties until the Engine Company went into service.

A very unfortunate accident occurred March 17, 1924, during a demonstration of a 75 triple combination pumping engine when W. S. Grassie of the Fire Protection Committee was thrown off and killed. Engine Company No. 11 was placed in service October 1, 1924, with the installation of a 750 gallon American LaFrance triple combination pumper, and a crew consisting of Captain Bittle, Engineers M. R. Smith and L. V. Merrill. The equipment was housed in the Piedmont Garage at Marchetta Street and Lake Avenue. The Board of Supervisors on May 11, 1925, accepted a donation by L. G. and M. A. Collison of the lot located at 936 E. Foothill Blvd., and on this site a station costing $8890 was constructed and occupied in October 1925. In the fiscal year 1926-27 engine company strength was increased to four. A Lincoln automobile was donated in August 1927 on which was placed a special body, and the Department’s first rescue truck was placed in service March 7, 1928.

March 12, 1928 a lot located at 2474 N. Lincoln was purchased for $2500 and a station to house Engine Company No. 12 was built for $9868, being occupied June 20, 1928, and a Seagrave 750 gallon pumper, priced $12,150, was purchased May 4, 1928, and put into service in charge of Captain M. R. Smith. With this company the District’s man power increased to twelve. During 1929-30 two additional firemen were appointed. At the instigation of civic groups to make fire hazard reduction a District function, there was purchased March 9, 1932, a 15 H.P. Caterpillar tractor and 16 wheel combination disc-double shear plow and harrow at a cost of $1665. An extra detail was given District personnel to operate this equipment.

During 1932-33 Captain R. H. Franklin and seven men were in operation at Engine 11, and Captain Marion Smith and seven men at Engine 12.

ANGELES MESA: This District was formed May 29, 1933.

ARTESIA: Formation was effective February 4, 1924, but was inactive until January 15, 1925, when Lewis Boers was appointed Deputy County Fire Warden in charge of the District. An Obenchain-Boyer Reo 350 gallon pumper was purchased at a cost of $5285 on January 19, 1925, and placed in service, being housed in Standard Garage at 17th and Main Streets. April 14, 1926, a lot was purchased for $500 for a future station site. Throughout the intervening years Fire Foreman Boers functioned, aided by Callmen. During the depression years of 1931-32 the Taxpayers’ Improvement Association protested expenditure of funds budgeted for a new fire station, and this money, together with other reserves, operated the District for several years without a tax levy.

BALDWIN PARK: Formed February 18, 1924. Prior to this a Volunteer Fire Department had operated a borrowed American LaFrance chemical wagon in charge of L. L. Root with F. E. Woodham and J. E. Kennedy volunteer firemen. On January 28, 1925, an Obenchain-Boyer Reo 350 gallon pumper was placed in service and on April 29 former volunteer fireman J. E. Kennedy was appointed Captain. The Company was installed in a leased building, constructed as a station and located at 118 E. El Monte Street. In 1926-27 an additional member was added to the company, a third man being added the subsequent fiscal year. A lot at 311 N. Main Ave. was purchased for $3,000 on December 23, 1929. Acting Captain J. L. Morin was in charge during 1932-33.

BELL: Formed December 31, 1923. Pending receipt of District equipment an ancient hose wagon was loaned by the American LaFrance Company, until March 17 when an American LaFrance triple combination 750 gallon pumper, purchased for $10,450, went into service. John Carroll was appointed Captain May 1924, of Engine Company No. 4. The City of Bell was incorporated November 7, 1927, but as the incorporation did not include all the District the latter remained as a County function until August 27, 1928, when the City withdrew from the Fire District,

BELLFLOWER: Formed December 17, 1923. A Volunteer Department organized July 9, 1921, had functioned under A. C. Conrad as Chief, together with an Assistant Chief, Captain and sixteen firemen. Volunteer equipment consisted of one Reo service truck and two Fords carrying extinguishers and other equipment. The Reo was owned by Conrad and the other equipment had been paid for by public subscription. Conrad remained as the first District Captain until June 27, 1925, when C. L. Williams was appointed Captain, being succeeded by Captain Geo. C. Elsey September 1, 1925. April 23 of this year a Stutz 450 gallon triple combination pumper, purchased for $7500, was placed in service and housed in a rented garage located at 464 Somerset Avenue. In 1926-27 an additional man was added as was the case the subsequent fiscal year. A fourth man was added in 1929-30. April 26, 1931, Captain Elsey was electrocuted by coming in contact with a high voltage line while extinguishing an electrical transformer fire. A lot at 917 Flower Street was purchased for $2500 for a station site on August 17, 1931. Captain K. L. Grogan was placed in charge of the Company during July 1932, and at that time the company was composed of the Captain, two Engineers, one Fireman and four Callmen. The station was badly damaged by the March 10, 1933 earthquake, and until November 1 of that year temporary quarters were occupied.

BELVEDERE: Prior to formation December 17, 1923, the area had a volunteer fire department organized March 22, 1923. Apparatus consisted of a Ford one ton truck equipped-with six Babcocks and an Overland chassis purchased and equipped from public subscription, together with a small Reo chemical wagon purchased from American LaFrance Company. This equipment was housed in the Hanawalt and Reynolds Garage at Brooklyn and Gage Streets. Harvey Reynolds was Chief, assisted by one Assistant Chief and a volunteer crew of around ten men. Reynolds became the first District Captain on Engine Co. #1.

On August 22, 1924, Engine #1, an American LaFrance 750 gallon triple combination pumper costing $10,450, was placed in service and housed in a garage at 4503 Brooklyn Ave., with the Reo (E-32) being located in the east end of the District at 5198 Eugene St. At this time the personnel numbered ten.

July 27, 1925, the 1407 N. Eastern Ave. site was purchased for $2,120, and an $8500 brick station erected thereon. New Engine 32, an American LaFrance 750 gallon triple combination pumper costing $12,750 went into service May 20, 1926, with Captain W. F. May in charge. The Reo chemical truck was sold to the Lancaster District.

February 15, 1926, a lot located at 154 N. Gage Street was purchased for $3325 for a future Engine Co. 1 station. The personnel increased to 12 in 1926-27, and to 14 in the subsequent year. Captains W. F. May and J. F. Barrett were in charge of the two companies. Engine l’s new station was completed and occupied July 10, 1929, at a cost of $13,177. District personnel at this time numbered 16.

On August 21, 1932, Captain R. C, Jones was transferred from Engine 1 to Engine 20. During 1932-33 Engine Company #1’s crew consisted of Captain Al Lowrie and 7 men; Engine 32’s of Captain V. T. Keyes and 7 men.

BELVEDERE GARDENS: Formed February 4, 1924. In 1921 a volunteer company had been formed with J. A. Brown, Chief, he being succeeded the following year by Roy K. Dere (Retired Captain) with C. J. Thrapp (Fire Prevention Engineer) and Murray Bell (retired Engineer) being among the volunteer firemen. A Ford chemical truck purchased from funds raised by public subscription and entertainment, was stationed in the rear of the Old Mill Theatre at Whittier and McBride. Dere became the first District Captain on Engine #3.

On August 16, 1924, an American LaFrance 750 gallon triple combination pumper was placed in service and housed in the original volunteer station with volunteer equipment being moved to 742 Williamson St., Eastmont, in charge of one man. Manpower for the District this year was eight, and remained so until 1927-28 when four additional men were employed.

Engine 3 was eventually housed at 4921 Whittier Blvd. in a building purchased for $12,007, but it was later sold in May 1929 for $16,160.

March 2, 1931, a new station site at 760 S. Ferris St. was purchased for $8448, it being occupied March 11, 1932.

December 7, 1931, a lot at 922 S. Gerhart St. was purchased for $2584 and a station erected thereon. In 1932-33 Engine Company #3 was composed of Captain W. F. May and 7 men; Engine Company #22, Captain L. W. Costello and 7 men. This year Charles S. Lonergan was employed as Fire Foreman to maintain the fire alarm system.

CASA VERDUGO: Formed February 1, 1926, but was annexed to the City of Glendale on March 17, 1926.

CENTRAL MANUFACTURING: Formed October 21, 1930, for the purpose of installing hydrants and to provide engine service funds to reimburse the Belvedere Gardens District at $25 per run.

CLEARWATER HYNES: Formed December 17, 1923, but remained inactive until August 11, 1925, when an Obenchain-Boyer Reo 350 gallon triple combination pumper costing $5285 was placed in service and housed at Ocean Avenue near Monroe. T. F. Mitchell was placed in charge at $100 per month, aided by four callmen. On February 20, 1929, the Company was moved to 415 N. Paramount Blvd. in a leased building. During 1932-33 the personnel consisted of Captain S. D. Hogan, 1fire foreman and 3 callmen.

CLIFTON HEIGHTS: Formed September 20, 1926, for the purpose of installing hydrants and arrangements were made with the City of Redondo to respond without cost – a situation that continued throughout the life of this resume.

DOWNEY: Prior to formation on December 17, 1923, this community had been protected by a volunteer department, its equipment consisting of a hand drawn chemical ladder truck. The volunteer service was in charge of C. A. Krueger until the formation, at which time H. W. Lewis took over until February 15, 1925, when he was succeeded by Captain R. Metz.

September 25, 1924, an American LaFrance 750 gallon triple combination pumper was placed in service in rented quarters at 117 East First St.; in 1925-26 the personnel was augmented by one man, and the following year by an additional man. In 1927-28 it reached the total of four men. December 3, 1929, Captain Metz passed away and was succeeded by Captain T. C. Loggins (Assistant Chief) whose personnel consisted of three regular men and three callmen. The 1933 earthquake did extensive damage to this District.

EAST MONTEBELLO: Formed on June 27, 1927, for the purpose of financing hydrant installation. Under agreement the Montebello City Fire Department was to answer calls, with Belvedere Gardens District to cover Montebello.

EL PORTO: Formation was accomplished February 1, 1932, for the purpose of financing the installation of hydrants. Engine service was provided from the Lennox and Lawndale Districts.

FLINTRIDGE: In the interests of fire prevention and protection, A. A. Lester was appointed Deputy Fire Warden and on November 5, 1920, was placed in charge of the trailer equipment financed by that community, being purchased from the County through the activities of Assistant Fire Warden 0. M. Thurston who had been detailed to interest communities in acquiring fire protection equipment. The District was formed on February 18, 1924, but was inactive until the spring of 1925 at which time an Obenchain-Boyer 350 gallon pumper, costing $5285, was placed in service, and located in a building in the equipment yard of the Flintridge Company at Inverness and Glen Eagles. John L. Cates was appointed Captain with a crew of one man.

In 1925-26 the manpower had risen to four, and in 1927 another man was added. December 3, 1928, a lot was purchased for $3505, and a bungalow type station was constructed for $15,481. At this time the manpower was six. A new Seagrave 750 gallon triple combination pumper was purchased at a cost of $12,150, being placed into service December 15, 1930. The old Reo pumper was sold to the Lancaster District for $1500. Complement of the station then consisted of Captains J. R. Bittle, W. L. Correll and six men.

GREEN MEADOWS: Formed December 17, 1923. Pending arrival of District equipment an old Gorham hose wagon was loaned by the American LaFrance Company. In March 1924 Harry J. Nord was appointed the first Captain of Engine Company No. 12. The equipment was housed in a garage at the corner of 108th and Main Streets. On March 17, 1924, a type 75 American LaFrance combination pumper was purchased at a cost of $10,450. August 25th a lot was purchased on 108th Street for $1988, and a station, the duplicate of Engine 14 being built at the same time, was completed December 29, 1924, at a cost of $5500. March 18, 1926, the District was lost through annexation of the area by the City of Los Angeles.

HOLLYWOOD-SHERMAN: Formed February 18, 1924. The petition regarding this formation was circulated by one, Spence D. Turner, whose name appeared first, as the Minutes of proceedings state “Petition submitted by Spence D. Turner, et al”. Pending receipt of new equipment the American LaFrance Company loaned an ancient Seagrave to Engine Company No. 7 which, after being quartered in a temporary station, was moved to 7808 Santa Monica Blvd. August 1, 1924, an American LaFrance 750 gallon pumper was placed in service and housed at 875 Westbourne Avenue, constituting Engine Company No. 8. A second American LaFrance 750 gallon pumper was placed in service October 11, 1924, replacing the Seagrave. Personnel of the Companies consisted of George S. Plympton, Roy Woodside, V. B. Boller, W. E. DeLamere, Roy R. Johnson and Ben Kaufer. Captain Plympton was in charge of both Companies.

Engine Company No. 8 was moved to 1133 North Genesee October 31, 1925, in charge of Captain E. J. Burkhart. Men employed this year totaled 12.

February 27, 1928, a 1ot at 958 Hancock Avenue was purchased for $3655. Personnel at this time numbered 20. A new station for Engine 7 was constructed at a cost of $18,980, and occupied May 22, 1929.

On March 3, 1930, the lot at 1127 N. Genesee Street was purchased for $4150. During 1932-33 Engine Company No. 7 was under Captain W. E. DeLamere, and Engine Company No. 8 was under Captain E. J. Burkhart. From May 22, 1929, until May 15, 1931, W. B. Klinger (Retired Assistant Chief) was Captain of Engine 7.

HOME GARDENS: Formed May 12, 1924. In July of 1924 August W. Swanson was appointed Captain, and on October 30 an American LaFrance 750 gallon pumper was placed in service and housed at 9844 San Gabriel Blvd. in a rented building partly owned by the Captain. Captain C. Z. Lounsbury was appointed Captain in February 1928, This District was dissolved on August 29, 1928, because of annexation to the City of South Gate.

HOWARD: Formed February 18, 1924. On July 16, 1924, T. F. Schneider was appointed Captain, with Eden Doran and George Watson as Engineers to constitute the company, upon receipt of new apparatus. Quarters were rented on September 15 at 10518 S. Normandie Avenue, and on the following day an American LaFrance 750 gallon pumper was placed in service. November 3, 1924 a lot at 1348 W. 99th St. was purchased for $1800 and a frame station erected thereon at a cost of $5598, it being occupied March 19, 1925.

LA CRESCENTA VALLEY: Formed December l7, 1923. In May and June of 1924 C. J. Young and C. L. Meade were employed to perform Fire Prevention. December 5, 1924, a Stutz 450 gallon triple combination pumper costing $7500 went into service, being housed in a garage at 130 Hermosa Avenue. Captain A. R. Duncan with a crew of callmen was in charge. On August l2, 1929, a lot was purchased at 2537 Foothill Blvd. for $2505, and a stone bungalow type fire station constructed for $7614, being occupied April 23, 1930. Captain Floyd J. Lee was in charge with a crew of four regular men and two callmen. In 1932-33 Captain Lee was still in charge with Acting Captain Victor Wittrock and two regular and two Callmen.

LAS FLORES CANYON: Formed February 24, 1925. This District, in charge of Deputy Fire Warden E. L. Grimshaw, continued in force until October 22, 1928, when it was dissolved by action of the electors. During its life it was inactive and except for the placement of a box containing fire tools, no equipment was purchased. The District should not have been formed at the time.

LAGUNA: Formed December 17, 1923. Prior thereto a volunteer company equipped with an old Kissell car carrying chemical tanks, functioned under Chief C. D. Jones. Equipment was purchased and maintained by public subscription and housed in a garage at the S. E. Corner of Record and Whittier Blvd. On August 9, 1924, an American LaFrance 750 gallon type pumper was placed in service, with the old volunteer equipment being turned in as part payment. Two engineers and one fireman were appointed to serve under Captain H. P. Warrick. The company remained at the original location until July 10, 1925, when it was moved into quarters at the N. W. corner of Whittier and Rowan. During this fiscal year Captain Warrick took a year’s leave of absence, but as he did not return at the expiration thereof, Engineer Tom Mason was appointed Captain on June 1, 1926. June l0, 1926, the Company was moved into leased quarters at 4189 Whittier Blvd. at which time the regular manpower had grown to six. Two additional men were added during 1927-28. February 8, 1932, the corner of Eastern and Corona was purchased for a future station site at a cost of $3847. Captains Tom Mason and R. K. Dere, with six men, constituted the Company in 1932-33.

LANCASTER: Formed October 17, 1925. Volunteer equipment consisted of a double tank chemical cart, together with a hose reel carrying several hundred feet of 2 _ ” hose, which had been donated by the Water District and housed at their plant, was continued in use by the District until December of 1925, when a Reo chemical truck formerly owned by the Belvedere District was acquired and placed in service. January 1, 1927, E. A. Kneip was appointed Fire Foreman. December 12 of 1930 the Reo chemical truck was replaced by a Reo Obenchain Boyer 350 gallon pumper acquired from the Flintridge District. In 1932-33 Fire Foreman Kneip was still in charge with a crew of 8 callmen.

LAWNDALE: Formed December 17, 1923. A volunteer company under Dutton McCloud as driver in charge and equipped with a Seagrave Chemical Wagon, was at that time located at Fifth Avenue North of Market Street. Herbie Smith was then appointed Deputy Fire Warden to take charge of the District. October 1, 1924, Roy Franklin was appointed Deputy Warden and Captain to perform Fire Prevention work and make a hydrant survey. On December 22, 1924, a 450 gallon Stutz triple combination pumper was placed in service and housed in a garage at Rosecrans and Hawthorne Blvd. On July 1, 1925, a leased building was occupied, located at 5412 Market St. (now 4316 W. 147th St.) Another regular man was added in 1925-26. On February 27, 1928, a lot adjacent to the rented station was purchased for $2,000, and the rented station itself was purchased January 1, 1930 for $2500. At this time Captain Franklin was transferred out and replaced by Captain L. W. Costello. Personnel at the time numbered four. In 1932-33 Captain Jack Gregory was in charge, During this year the oil boom in the west portion of the District burst.

LENNOX: Formed January 28, 1924, but remained inactive until 1927-28 when the first tax levy was set and operations begun. A leased building at 4518 West Lennox Avenue was constructed, and on January 21, 1928, a crew under Captain J. J. Hunt was installed to man Engine 27, formerly in the dissolved Temple District. May 24 a 750 gallon Seagrave Pumper went into service, which had been acquired at a cost of $12,150. Regular personnel numbered 4, with three callmen. March 7, 1933, the station building was purchased for $5100, and Captain Hunt was still in charge.

LOMITA: Formed December 17, 1923. Prior to formation a volunteer Fire Department operated, and a Ford chemical truck under Charles Smith, Deputy County Fire Warden, was maintained at the Community Hall. This equipment was turned over to the District by the Volunteer Department. An American LaFrance 750 gallon pumper was placed in service September 3, 1924, and housed in the Myers Garage. A lot at 2934 Weston Street was purchased May 25, 1924, for a future station site, at a cost of $1750. The station constructed on this lot cost $7668 and was occupied December 28, 1925. E. J. Burke was the first District Captain and Frank Laski first Engineer. The latter in June 1925 replaced Burke as Captain when he resigned. Captain Laski had two regular men and two callmen in service in 1932-33.

MAYWOOD: Formed December 27, 1923. On March 17, 1924, an American LaFrance type 75 pumper was housed in the American Garage at Slauson and King Streets. Later Engine Company #5 was moved to the station under construction at 4317 E. Slauson. In July 1924 S. 0. Myers was appointed Captain, with two engineers and one fireman under him. Because of incorporation of the major portion of the area the District was dissolved February 13, 1926. The writer discussed with the City Council the division of equipment and finances, and obtained for the County for general fire protection purposes, the American LaFrance 750 gallon pumper, together with all hose and appliances. Engine 5 then became relief pumper #55 after the Board approved on July 18, 1927, the purchase of the equity held by the American LaFrance Company.

MAYWOOD 1926: The remnants of the original Maywood District, after the incorporation of the City of Maywood, were formed into a District August 30, 1926, the area to be serviced from the Walnut Park District at the rate of $25 per call.

MIRAMONTE-FLORENCE-GRAHAM: Formed December 17., 1923: A volunteer Fire Department under Chief L.C. Hanna functioned before the formation with equipment consisting of a Seagrave chemical truck housed in the Hanna garage at 1508 E. Florence. Hanna was retained as Engineer, with the first Captain of Engine 9. F. H. Wood who was succeeded by E. H. Gates and the latter, in turn, by Captain William Heldoorn. May 8. 1924 a type 75 American LaFrance Triple Combination Pumper costing $10,450, was received and placed in service. July 1, 1924, a building located at 1553 E. Florence Ave. was leased to house Engine 9. The same year on July 10, a 750 gallon Seagrave Pumper was purchased for $11,565, and located in a leased building at 8500 Graham Avenue. Personnel numbered 12 in 1925-26. June 20, 1927, a lot was purchased at 8614 S. Cedar St. for $2818.22. Property at 7313 S. Compton was purchased November 7, 1924 for $4405 and a two story station built thereon at a cost of $20,558, being occupied on August 5, 1929 by Engine Company 9. A one story bungalow type station costing $15,118 was occupied by Engine Co. 16 on July 5 on Cedar Street lot. At this time man power had grown to 16. E. W. Jordan was the first Captain on Engine 16, succeeded by Captain Harry Eastridge. Later Captain W. L. Horn was assigned, making it a double platoon company. Thus, in 1932-33 Captains Heldoorn and W. H. Rowell (Battalion Chief) were at Engine 9, and Captains Horn and Perkinson at Engine 16 – total man power 24. The earthquake of this year caused considerable damage to the District, and Engine 9 was used as headquarters for the Department’s effort in rehabilitation of the affected areas.

MONETA – GARDENA: Formed December 31, 1923, but remained inactive until April 3, 1926, when an American LaFrance 750 gallon pumper was placed in service. This apparatus, costing $12,750, was housed in a rented building at 1328 Palm Street. Because of an error in the formation proceedings this District was held to have been illegally formed, and was reformed June 27, 1927. The first Captain of Engine Company 22 was W. B. Klinger (Retired Assistant Chief) who was assigned to this District September 17, 1925. After the reformation, Captain W. E. DeLamere was placed in charge. In 1928-29 the manpower grew from two to three, and the subsequent year to four. In August of 1931, incorporation of the area was voted, and equipment was turned over to the new City of Gardena.

NORWALK: Formed December 17, 1923. In April of 1924, J. R. Hunt was placed in charge. Temporary equipment consisting of a Ford runabout equipped with hose and chemical extinguishers, was housed at 1405 N. First St. in a building belonging to Irish and Koontz. November 19th the Captain was succeeded by Roy W. Yager, and on December 17th a 450 gallon Stutz pumper was placed in service. Man power continued to be two until 1927-28 when a third man was added, with a fourth in 1929-30. During the intervening years Captains Ray Hodges and Harry Eastridge were placed in charge, and on August 31, 1932, the latter was replaced by Captain R. C. Jones, with Engineer A. C. Marshall Acting Captain. The earthquake did considerable damage and several of the Union Oil Company’s storage tanks were ruptured. Fortunately the dikes held, but a lake of crude oil 1 _ acres in extent was created.

PALMDALE: Formed December 17, 1923, at which time a hand-drawn hose reel carrying a few hundred feet of 2 _” hose and operated by volunteers was housed in a private garage belonging to the Water District. Immediately after formation there was purchased 500’ of hose and 11 hydrants were installed. On October 30, 1930 a Reo chemical truck was purchased for the Lancaster District, and in 1931-32 Fire Foreman Frank Ikeler and his callmen held a benefit dance at the Munns Ranch, and from funds raised, constructed a small concrete block station to house equipment.

PUENTE: Formed January 28, 1924. In April Harry C. Apgar was appointed Deputy Fire Warden, and assigned to the issuance of fire permits and to perform general Fire Prevention work. On January 21, 1925, an Obenchain Reo 350 gallon pumper, costing $5285, was placed in service. January 1, 1926, H, G. Wolf was appointed Captain with a crew of callmen, and E. Main was acting Captain. Later R. E. Peterson was assigned as Captain with Fire Foreman A. Monges. August 22, 1933, Captain Peterson was transferred to Santa Fe Springs, and Captain Eddie Main was placed in charge, his crew consisting of one Fire Foreman and four Callmen.

SAN DIMAS: Formed December 17, 1923. A volunteer department, with equipment consisting of a Ford twin tank chemical truck., carrying 600’ of 2 _” hose., all paid for by public subscription in the amount of $2400, continued in service after the formation. J. S. McIntyre (Retired Captain) appointed Deputy Warden October 20, 1920, when he was chief of the volunteer department, continued as Deputy Warden until August 1, 1925. He became a Jr. Assistant Fire Warden on August 1. 1926. Later he was appointed Fire Foreman at $100 per month, and new apparatus was received and located in the San Dimas Garage at 108 W. Bonita Avenue. This equipment, a 350 gallon American LaFrance Pumper, cost $6850. February 1, 1932, equipment was moved into the garage of Captain McIntyre where he was assisted by one Fire Foreman and callman.

SANTA FE SPRINGS: Formed December 24, 1923. Remained inactive until July 1, 1924, when A. J. Marty was appointed Captain, operating an old Graham chemical truck housed in his garage just north of Four Corners. December 1, 1924, Marty was replaced by G. G. Griswold who arranged to house the equipment on a Shell Oil Company lease. On the 22nd of this month a Stutz 450 gallon pumper went into service. Captain Griswold (Battalion Chief, deceased) had two regular men. February 1, 1926, the company was moved to the property of the Pacific Clay Products located on Norwalk-Mills Road, approximately three-quarters of a mile north of Four Corners. At this time seven regular men were employed, the number going to ten in 1927-28. On September 15, 1928, the well-remembered Getty Oil Well Fire, caused the Department considerable concern and forty-nine days’ effort before it was extinguished. May 23, 1929, Engine 17 was replaced by a Seagrave 1000 gallon pumper, purchased for $13,150. The Stutz was purchased from County funds and assigned to relief. In 1929-30 the man power had grown to fourteen. November 17, 1930, property adjoining the rented station was purchased for $1600, and a two story reinforced concrete structure built at a cost of $30,080. This new station was occupied June 23, 1931, and Engine 15, a Seagrave 750 gallon pumper, was placed in service. April 27 of this year a lot had been purchased in the McNees tract as a station site for Engine Company 15, but owing to protests by major oil companies, the plan was temporarily abandoned. At this time Captains Griswold and Thomas Cullen were in charge, the former being replaced August 1, 1932, by Captain E. T. Peterson, upon Griswold receiving an appointment as a Battalion Chief.

SANTA MONICA CANYON: Formed September 17, 1923. A volunteer company continued to operate a chemical truck purchased by local taxpayers. In January of 1925 Dr. George Lewin was placed in charge. The District was dissolved August 1, 1925, because of annexation to the City of Los Angeles.

SIGNAL HILL: Formed February 4., 1924. An ancient hose wagon was loaned to the District by the American LaFrance Company, being replaced March 17, 1924 by an American LaFrance 600 g.p.m. pumper. On April 30, 1924 Lester L. Krepps was appointed Captain, and on December 1, 1924, a new station was rented. The District was dissolved because of incorporation on July 24, 1925.

TEMPLE: Formed February 25, 1924. Remained inactive until January 15, 1925, when Captain K. L. Grogan was placed in charge. January 21st a 350 gallon Obenchain Boyer Reo Pumper was placed in service, and housed at the Sunset Garage on South Sunset Blvd., being later removed to a private garage on Agnes Street. The District was dissolved June 23, 1925, and the equipment was taken over by the Fire Warden for general County Fire Protection purposes. This original Engine No. 27 (later E-44 and E-34) operated out of the Los Angeles Headquarters garage and later at Big Pines Park. Because of the dissolution it was necessary for the Department to finance a fire prevention man in that vicinity and on September 4, 1928, George J. Emery was appointed.

TUJUNGA-SUNLAND: Formed December 31, 1923. Pending arrival of new equipment an ancient hose wagon was loaned to the District by the American LaFrance Company and in June 1923 Harry M. Rice was appointed Captain. November 1, 1924, a building was rented to house a Stutz 450 gallon pumper purchased August 18, 1924. On December 13, 1926, the District was annexed by the City of Los Angeles.

WALNUT PARK: Formed February 25, 1924. In May R. E. Link was appointed Deputy Fire Warden for the purpose of issuing fire permits and performing Fire Prevention duties, and in his work as Foreman of the local Water Company he operated a Ford roadster equipped with a 2 _ gallon Babcock extinguisher. On November 24, 1924, a station building was leased at 2705 E. Hill Street and on December 23 a Reo Obenchain Boyer 350 gallon pumper was placed in service with A. J. Kelly being the first Captain and the crew consisting of E. J. Howard and four callmen. The Reo was turned in as part payment on a new Seagrave 750 gallon apparatus which went in service March 28, 1929. The personnel had grown to six in 1927-28. A lot at the Southeast corner of Flower Street and Seville Avenue was purchased May 31, 1932, for $5552, and a new station constructed at a cost of $14,757.82 was occupied September 1932. Captains A. J. Kelly and C. Z. Lounsbury were in charge of the companies. A major earthquake did heavy damage in this District.

WALTERIA: Formed March 8, 1926. A Ford chemical truck borrowed from the Lomita District, was housed in rented quarters. March 7, 1927, this District was annexed to the City of Torrance.